Mao Zedong

After the New Forth Army Incident in 1941, Mao announced the end of the Second United Front and outlined the CCP’s plan to Seize power from Chian Kai-Shek. Used his own ideologies to form the “Mao Zedong Thought” that became the central tenants of the CCP. Rather than fully focusing on the war at this time, Mao instructed to increase the Communist sphere of influence. Mao’s influence allowed the Russian Invasion of Manchuria in August of 1945, one of the leading causes of the civil war.
Chiang Kaishek

Chiang had been receiving aid from Western powers, however the sea routes that were used closed in 1940 and aid was limited until 1945 when the Ledo Road was opened. During the time of War, Chiang’s close family was often accused of embezzling money and ignoring corruption, he was never accused personally of contributing to this however. His wife was an advocate during this time for the boycotting of Japanese goods, speaking English; she was able to get her message across to America. Chiang’s military strategy of outwaiting the Japanese caused the loss of support from many foreign powers and is considered to be one of the reasons for America to partake in the Island Hopping Strategy instead of focusing on defeating the Japanese from inside China.
Joseph Stilwell

American Officer sent to China to assist in military strategies. Not after too long, relations between Stilwell and Chiang Kai-Shek broke down. This was seen as one of the causes to The GMD’s inability to defeat the Japanese. Interpretations for the reason of this come to either blaming the corruption of the government and Stilwell’s intolerance of it, or that Stilwell was too radical and Chiang was not willing to go along with the very aggressive plans that Stilwell proposed.
Patrick Hurley

Sent to China by Roosevelt to make an assessment of the prospects of assisting the Powers in China. He was sympathetic towards the GMD and didn’t take the Communists seriously. With his assessment, the GMD gained most of the support from America, even though many foreign State department officials stated that China had the better chance at defeating the GMD.

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    Pamela, Geetika, Clayton, Nik

    Four Higher Level IB History Students from UWCSEA. 


    November 2013

